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Technical Visit - Improvement of ATFM including 4D Trajectory Based Operations

12-16 December 2022

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Hosted by EASA, EUROCONTROL, and DSNA (the French Air Navigation Service Provider), a delegation of 8 representatives from the Republic of Korea (ROK) visited Europe from 12-16 December, to exchange experience and insights on the subjects of Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) and Trajectory Based Operations (TBO). It was the first time that a delegation from ROK, consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) as well as of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and the Korea Institute of Aviation Safety Technology​ (KIAST), visits Europe under the recently established EU-ROK Aviation Partnership Project (APP).


The objective of the event was to achieve a better understanding of the respective EU and ROK ATFM systems, plans and initiatives, and facilitate exchange of latest technologies, operational concepts, and procedures related to ATFM. The Korean delegation started the visit in Cologne, where EASA and MOLIT introduced the European and Korean institutional and regulatory framework respectively. Airbus complemented the exchange with a presentation on 4D TBO. The subsequent programme consisted of visits to the EUROCONTROL Headquarters in Brussels (including contributions by SESAR 3JU), the EUROCONTROL Innovation Hub (EIH) in Brétigny and the Reims area control centre of DSNA.

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