Workshop on the Development of National Air Navigation Plan, NARAE; European ATM Masterplan Level 3
2-3 November 2022
Marking the milestone of first official activity of the European Union – Republic of Korea Aviation Partnership Project (EU-ROK APP), on the 2 nd of November representatives of the EU Delegation to ROK and the ROK Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) opened the Workshop on the Development of National Air Navigation Plan, NARAE and European ATM Masterplan Level 3. Held on the premises of the National Aviation Museum in Seoul, the event brought together European and ROK authorities to discuss the subject of Air Traffic Management (ATM) master planning.
At the two-day event, experts discussed the ATM master plans of ROK (NARAE), the European ATM master planning process as well as an example of an ATM master plan at the national level of a European National Aviation Authority (NAA). Some of the other topics that were covered in the programme include experience and technologies applied in the flexible use of airspace, civil-military cooperation, European ATM/ANS policy and performance management context, and the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Programme, among others. Contributing presenters at this workshop were MOLIT, EASA, Eurocontrol, Directorate-General for Civil Aviation and Maritime Affairs of the Netherlands, and SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking.
Lively Q&A contributed to a productive exchange between the European and Korean participants, and it was concluded that ATM as a domain has much potential for further learning and sharing of insights between the two sides. The EU-ROK APP will facilitate this potential by organising more activities on ATM subjects later this year and the next, in line with its broader objective to enhance the partnership between the EU and ROK in the civil aviation domain.
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