About the EU-ROK APP
Please note that the EU-ROK APP closed per 31-12-2024.
When a follow-up project is formally agreed and operational,
it will be announced on this website.
1. Project Background
The European aviation industry supports 5.1 million jobs and contributes to 2.4% of the European GDP. It is one of the main drivers for R&D and for generating employment in Europe. Exports generate roughly 60% of its revenue. For this key sector of the European economy, the rapidly growing East Asian market for aviation services and products is of strategic importance. According to industry forecasts, East Asia is expected to be the largest growing domestic aviation market for at least the next 20 years.
The Republic of Korea (ROK) has recorded one of the highest air traffic growth rates in Asia in the past years, whether it is for international or domestic, passenger or cargo. The Korean air transport industry is regarded as one of the most efficient industries in the world and continues to grow strongly and steadily. Also, the Republic of Korea is striving to expand its roles in various areas of international civil aviation, including cooperation with other countries. These developments represent a unique opportunity for the expansion of cooperation between the EU and ROK in the field of Civil Aviation.
On 23 January 2019, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Republic of Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) covering mainly training and knowledge exchange as well as aviation safety promotion, including the sharing of aviation safety information. This also lays the ground for greater cooperation between the EU and ROK in the field of Civil Aviation.
The EU-ROK Aviation Partnership Project (EU-ROK APP) aims to take this cooperation to the next level through the development of a mutually beneficial partnership.
2. Project objective
The EU-ROK APP facilitates closer cooperation between the EU and ROK at an official, authorities and industry levels. This is reflected in the project’s objective of enhancing the partnership between the EU and ROK in the civil aviation domain. The project incorporates the idea of a close cooperation between EASA and various European stakeholders to bring best European aviation expertise to the project. Likewise on the ROK side the project will interact with Korean stakeholders coordinated by MOLIT.
3. Component areas
The European and Korean aviation authorities, EASA and MOLIT, directly implement activities together, in close cooperation with their partners. The approach of cooperation for this project will focus on activities of mutual interest. In particular, the scope of activities is currently planned to cover, but is not limited to:
Air Operations
Air Traffic Management (ATM)
Aviation Safety
Sustainable Aviation
Aviation Security
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Certification and Traffic Management.
4. Project Key Stakeholders:
European Commission
EU Member States aviation authorities
Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs)
Manufacturing industry
Airlines, etc.
Other aviation industry stakeholders are welcome and encouraged to take an active part in the project.