SBAS Service Provider Certification Workshop
15-17 November 2022

From 15 to 17 November, the EU-ROK Aviation Partnership Project (APP) held its second activity, a workshop to discuss the certification of service providers of Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS). The event brought together representatives of authorities and industry partners in Daejeon, Republic of Korea (ROK), at the premises of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) under whose management the Korean SBAS – also known as KASS (Korea Augmentation Satellite System) – is being developed.
On the first workshop day, EASA presented the EU regulations for SBAS service provider certification, while KARI provided participants with an overview of the development status and future plan of KASS. The second day addressed more in-depth subjects including the operational status of SBAS in Europe, KASS certification, an introduction of KARI, roles and responsibilities of the certifying authority and certification procedures in Europe, roles and responsibilities of the SBAS Service Provider in Europe, and SBAS maintenance services, among others. Finally, on the third day the participants had the opportunity to visit the SBAS facilities, before the workshop was finished with a final presentation on the continuous oversight of service providers in Europe.
With the active participation of the audience in the Q&A sessions, formed the activity a useful platform to increase knowledge on all aspects of the SBAS service provider certification. Apart from EASA and KARI, other presentations were provided by the Korea Institute of Aviation Safety Technology (KIAST), the European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP), and Thales. The success of the activity also further contributed to the strengthening partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Korea in civil aviation, for which the EU-ROK APP will continue to organise activities in the coming months.
You can find the supporting resources for this activity here. A password is required. To request access please contact Jesper Jansen at jesper.jansen@eu-app.org.