Technical Visit on ATM performance review system
5 - 8 June 2023

From 5 to 8 June, the EU-ROK Aviation Partnership Project (APP) organised a technical visit for representatives of the Republic of Korea (ROK)’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) Air Traffic Division and ATM Office to Europe. The subject of the event was Air Traffic Management (ATM) performance review system with the objective to improve understanding of the existing systems (on national and international levels) and different methodologies applied between Europe and ROK.
The visit was hosted by EASA and EUROCONTROL in Brussels, MUAC in Maastricht and LVNL (Dutch ATC) in Amsterdam for the four days. In addition, the Performance Review Body of the Single European Sky also complemented the programme with a presentation. The activity provided a good insight for all participants into the regulatory, organisational and technical aspects of the different ATM performance review systems.
This activity also marked the end of a successful first year of technical cooperation activities under the EU-ROK APP. After the summer, the project will start with a new round continuing to organise these exchanges, to further enhance the partnership between the EU and ROK in civil aviation.