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Workshop on SMS risk assessment methods for aerodromes

9 - 12 May 2023


From 9 to 12 May, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Republic of Korea (ROK) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) held an online workshop about Safety Management System (SMS) risk assessment methods for aerodromes. Aiming to improve these methods and procedures, also in support of aerodrome expansion developments, this event under the EU-ROK Aviation Partnership Project (APP) ensured to include other regulatory stakeholders and aerodrome operators participating for a comprehensive exchange. 

On the first day, EASA and MOLIT started the discussion with providing an overview of the safety management regulatory framework in the EU and ROK respectively, followed by a presentation on safety assessment methods used by European aerodrome operators. The second day was dedicated to airport operators’ practical experience and examples of risk assessments. On the third day, authorities in the EU and ROK shared their perspective on topics such as risk assessment linked to “aerodrome-life” phases, management of change, and SMS for aerodrome certification. The event concluded on day four with presentations covering authority oversight.

The presentations of this workshop were contributed by EASA, MOLIT, Airsight, Munich Airport, Prague Airport, Korean Airports Corporation (KAC), Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC), AESA, BCAA, and Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. This first exchange in the domain of aerodromes under the EU-ROK APP was appreciated by the participating experts from both Europe and ROK, and it was concluded that a face-to-face activity to further expand on the safety-related topics would be greatly welcomed.


You can find the supporting resources for this activity here.  A password is required. To request access please contact Jesper Jansen at


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